this is the best explanation of dead lift technique

The dead lift is an essential lift that must be included as part of any strength training regimen. The reason for this is the fact that it incorporates more muscles than just about any other lift, enabling you to lift a greater amount of weight than with most other lifts. Because the dead lift allows you to lift a considerable amount of weight, it is important that you understand the proper way to perform this lift.

I want to provide you with three simple tips that will help to guarantee you're using proper form so you can get the full muscle and strength building benefits of dead lifting, without compromising your personal safety by risking injury.

Tip #1: Start with the Bar Close to Your Shins

The number one cause of dead lifting injuries is the rounding of the back while lifting the bar from the ground. Many times this could be avoided by simply understanding the proper placement of the bar before initiating the lift. The bar should be an inch or two away from your shins. Any more than than and you'll have to lean too far over to grip the bar, which will cause you to round your back and greatly increase your risk of injury.

Tip #2: Lift From Your Heels

While it can seem natural to use the balls of your feet to stabilize your body, the proper way to initiate the lifting movement is by pressing up from your heels using the hamstrings and posterior chain. This will allow you to lift heavier weights and also keep your back erect.

Tip #3: Lower the Bar in a Quick and Controlled Manner

Beginners to dead lifting are notorious for trying to lower the bar slowly. I don't know if they are worried about making too much noise or if they think slowly lowering the bar is beneficial in some manner, but this isn't the right way to lower the bar when dead lifting. The right way to lower the bar is in a quick and controlled manner. It should be lowered fast enough to not require much energy to support the load, but not so fast that you can't maintain control of the bar. Lowering the bar too slowly prematurely exhausts your muscles and prevents you from performing the maximum number of reps - and it can also hurt your lower back.

The dead lift can be an intimidating lift, but it doesn't have to be. These three tips will eliminate much of the risk with performing this exercise and give you good idea of how to properly perform this essential lift.

Can Drinking Too Much Water Kill You?

Nowadays, we hear people mention the 8x8 rule more and more often. We don't only hear it on TV or at the hospital, but also in the park, at the supermarket or even at the gas station. Everyone seems to know that drinking eight 8-ounce glasses per day is a necessity if you want to stay healthy.

But is it really so? Do our bodies really need that certain quantity of water everyday? Or it's just an invention whose purpose is to make us more careful to what we drink?

Well, scientists have finally come to a steadier conclusion: It doesn't matter how much water you drink daily, as long as your body is properly hydrated and you don't feel the need to drink more.

And after all, there's no reason to question this, we all know that the human body is capable to make us aware of our deficiencies. Don't we feel the need to eat when our stomach is empty? Or don't we start shivering when we're cold? It's the same with water, we feel thirsty every time our body needs more liquids.

Can Drinking Too Much Water Kill You?
Can Drinking Too Much Water Kill You?

There's no point filling up our body with water if there's no need for it. There's actually a big reason why we shouldn't.

It's a known fact that too little water can lead to dehydration, and dehydration can easily kill you. But have you ever thought that too much water can also have the very same effect?

In everyone's body, there is a certain balance between the electrolytes (the minerals from the blood together with the fluid that carries the electric charge) and water. Once this balance is destroyed, that person's life may be in a real danger.

Physicians call this health issue "hyponatremia", but it is widely known as "water poisoning". It may sound funny, but it is a very severe condition which, if not treated properly and rapidly, can lead to renal failure and afterwards, death.

How does this happen? Well, once the quantity of water from our body becomes much higher than normal, the quantity of electrolytes will become too low for it, therefore an imbalance between these 2 would be unavoidable.

And once that imbalance appears, the person will start to experience muscular cramps, dizziness, nausea and even convulsions. If these aren't treated, they can rapidly lead to death.

Therefore, is water poisoning something we can often deal with? Is it something we should try to avoid as much as we can?

Well, fortunately for us, it's pretty hard to play tricks on a pair of healthy kidneys, even by mistake.

This means that water intoxications aren't as common in average people as they are in professional athletes. The latter are actually known for consuming a much higher quantity of water, but for good reasons, right?

Can Drinking Too Much Water Kill You?
Can Drinking Too Much Water Kill You?

Well, the results of a 2005 study published in New England Journal of Medicine claim that almost 1/6 of the 2002 Boston Marathon participants have experienced a certain level of hyponatremia.

Another study, published in the 2006 British Journal of Sports Magazine, states that physical exercises are frequently associated with hyponatremia because of the excessive water consumption.

In that article, Timothy Noakes and Benjamin Speedy, two sports medicine doctors, claim the biomedical community is in a process of admitting the risks of the over-hydration in professional athletes.

However, these examples aren't something we should worry about too much, as they are pretty rare cases in average people. The most important thing is to drink a proper quantity of water after physical exercise or effort, without exaggerating.

So, now you're probably wondering "Okay, too much water isn't good at all?", but can drinking too much water actually kill you?

Yes, it can, in theory. But just like I said before, it's not really the case to worry, because you couldn't normally drink so much water that would lead to water intoxication. Your body would show you clear signs and would make you stop.

However, be careful how much water you consume after a high effort and make sure you don't drink a much higher quantity than you feel your body needs. As long as you respect this, you will never have to ask yourself if drinking too much water can kill you.

gel nail polish brands

gel nail polish brands
UV Gel Nail gained popularity with women attending salons and nail bars. Women try to stretch their

manicures as long as possible to get the value of your money, but also because of the time

constraints of modern life. Regular nail polish takes a while to dry, even with new brands that claim

to dry in 15 seconds or less. UV gel nail, on the other hand requires a nail curing lamp to set up, but

once done, an additional drying time is needed. This makes it better to women who have busy lives

and do not have time for regular salon visits.

What is the UV gel nail polish?

As traditional nail polish sold in stores and is used in salons or nail bars, UV gel nail polish comes in

different colors and applied with a brush. enamel bottles usually come with their own brushes, but

some brands sell enamel in small pots to be applied using a long-handled brush sold separately.

Although both ways to better glaze are applied using thin films, UV gel nails must be hardened

between each layer before another was painted on it. curing lamp is required to cure nail varnish gel.

What are the advantages of using a gel nail polish?

gel nail polish brands

Nail gel is preferred to regular paint because of the benefits it has to offer. The most important is the

amount of time you can stay without jumping up, even when exposed to water regularly with soap

and creams. UV gel nail sets in minutes and the client is generally able to use their hands as usual,

without fear of soiling your enamel. It is a convenient option for women who do not have time for

regular salon visits because it can take up to two weeks or more, depending on the brand of polish used and the condition of the underlying nail.

Are there disadvantages to using a gel nail polish?

The main drawback used to be the cost of the application. request for a visit a salon nail technician

applies polish is required. However, this changed in the form of nail gel is now available for purchase

for home use. The cost of buying your own polishing gel kit is quite significant, however, when you

consider the amount you spend in your room visits, initial costs seem so excessive.

Another drawback of nail gel is the amount of time required to remove it from nails. Polish gel can

not be removed using regular nail polish remover the acetone instead of a base, it should be used.

Acetone is applied either by dipping the nail in cotton wool before placing it in the bed of the nail and

wrap with foil, or soak in acetone finger nails in a bowl. The soaking process can vary from 15 to 20

minutes. Again soaking process can be done at home, or any appropriate practice.

The last drawback is the distance that appears when the nail grows out. If your nails grow very

quickly, you may need to increase the UV nail gel application frequency --gel nail polish brands.

All these disadvantages can be mitigated easily. Like any other beauty product on the market,

misapplication or removing a gel polish can damage the nails.

silver hair color

silver hair color
I heard on the news today that the temperature was going to hit the upper 90s again. If you are

wearing hair color, and it does not matter what color you are wearing, I am sure you want your color

to always look exciting. Many of you are spending days in the sun, at the beach and in the pool,

which means chlorine and salt water, which can be very difficult on color treated hair. Did you know

that the lighter your hair is from its natural color the more difficult it is to keep it healthy in these


If your hair is blond and you want to keep it from turning green from the chlorine you might want to

presoak it first and apply some conditioner in it before you get in the pool so that your hair does not

absorb the chlorine. Redken has Color Extend Sun Solar Screen SPF12 that gives excellent protection,

and Banana Boat has a very inexpensive one, Sport Body and Scalp Sunscreen at about $5.00 that

works well. When it comes to shampooing, you also want to use sulfate free shampoos as well. Those

that contain sulfates will fade your color and your color investment goes right down the drain.

Because you need to shampoo often if you swim, go to the beach or work out in the gym, there is a

need to shampoo more often. However, shampooing every other day or even every two days is

sufficient and on those other days just use a conditioner and massage through your hair and scalp

and rinse. Your hair will be clean; it will smell great and will look as if you shampooed it and won't

feel weighted down.

If your hair is brunette, adding some subtle highlights would look great and give great natural

highlighted look. I call it the sun kissed look. Just have it highlighted just around the face and just

where the sun touches your head down to the tips with the look of perfect dark to light graduation.

This can be achieved with balyage or with a large tooth comb and even smooshing it a little at the

ends to achieve the desired look of warm caramels and honey gold with more blonde at the ends.

Children have a natural sun kissed look after playing in the sun. If you see a child with the perfect

highlights you admire, take a photo and take them to your hairstylist and see if he or she can

duplicate them for you --silver hair color.

No matter what color or highlights you are wearing, they should enhance your face and never take

away from your face. If you have warm undertones you are good to go with warm tones such as reds,

coppers, gold tones and auburns. If you have cool undertones you are good to go with colors in the

cooler tones or on the ashy side. Have you ever seen someone with warm undertones wearing ash

blond hair? Did they look a little green to you? What about someone with a cooler complexion

wearing straight up blond hair? Did they appear a tad bit washed out? You get the picture. Stay in

your lane --silver hair color.

I love reading Rosemary Rodgers romantic novels. The heroine always has red hair and green eyes.

This combination is always a good fit, don't you think? That is because on the color wheel, green and

red are opposite which means they are complimentary colors.

The point I am getting at is color should complement your eyes and skin color. I have created a chart

and you can select where you are with your eye color, skin color and hair color. From there, you can

pick the correct color family that is perfect for you. The right hair color will change your life.

If your eye color is dark brown or black, gray-blue or dark blue, hazel with, gray or blue flecks, you fall

in the cool category. If your eye color is dark warm brown, golden brown, green, green blue or

turquoise, hazel with gold or brown flecks, you fall in the warm category. Now for skin color, if you

have very dark brown to medium brown with olive undertones, true olive (some blacks, Asians and

Latinos), medium with no color in cheeks, medium with faint pink cheeks, medium with golden

undertones, pale with no color in cheeks, brown or bronze when tan, you fall in the cool category. If

you are brown with pink undertones, golden undertones, pale with peach or gold undertones,

freckled, ruddy or golden brown when tan, you fall into the warm category. For the natural hair

color, if your hair color is blue black, deep coffee brown, medium ash brown, medium golden brown,

dishwater blond or white to silver, you fall in the cool category. However, if your hair has red

undertones, red, strawberry blonde, then you fall into the warm category --silver hair color.

If you checked mostly cools, then you are naturally cool, likewise, if you are mostly warm, you are

naturally warm. If you are naturally cool you want to stay away from yellow, gold, bronze and red

because they will make you look washed out. You would look great in shiny black dark ash brown,

cool browns or cool blonds in platinum. Of course it also depends on your skin tone. You can even

wear those awesome bright red lipsticks that other people would look less flattering wearing --silver hair color.

Naturally warm people should avoid jet black hair for sure, violet and blue hair because it will not be

the best look for you. You will find that your best look, depending on your skin tone will be deep

chocolates, golden browns, auburns, warm gold, red highlights, and golden blonds to make your look

pop. I love adding highlights in warm tones to compliment --silver hair color.

Hair Masks For Dry

The hair is like a fashion accessory as it is styled in a way that can complement different clothes,

styles, and even our personality. However, while in the process of doing so, our hair can sometimes

suffer much damage can range from oily hair with split ends. homemade hair masks can help restore

your hair luxury without paying a lot of money in a salon.

Homemade masks for dry hair

There are different types of homemade masks that target different types of problems. One of the

most common problems is dry or damaged hair. This is caused by a variety of factors such as the use

of hair tools and prolonged exposure to sunlight. The hair can appear dry and brittle. Here are a

couple of different masks can be done at home to be able to put some moisture to your hair.

Mask of olive oil

Hair Masks For DryOlive oil is not only Cookin, which is made hair too. He has great conditioning properties that can

certainly return the shine to hair. Use a good quality olive oil (try looking extra virgin olive oil cold

pressed that is made from organic olives because this process does not destroy vitamins, enzymes

and other good things). Take 20 ml of hot oil (not hot, of course. You do not want fried hair for

breakfast), take a wide tooth comb and brush your hair through, making sure it is evenly distributed

in all. Leave on for half an hour, then wash with a mild shampoo. If you really serious damage, you

can leave overnight and wash in the morning.

Moisturizing and nourishing the egg mask for dry hair

In a bowl, combine egg, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well and apply on

the hair with a comb to distribute evenly. Scalp massage to promote good circulation of blood. Leave

on for 15 minutes and rinse.

Homemade masks for oily hair

Another dilemma is to have oily hair. Most often this is caused by frequent exposure to dust and dirt.

overactive sebaceous glands (sebaceous glands) are also the cause. This type of hair needs to wash,

because it makes the hair a greasy and dull. There are also some home hair masks that can definitely

help maintain healthy hair.

Pre-Shampoo Nourishing Mask parsley

We all know that parsley is a great addition to their delicious dishes, but it also has properties that

can provide nutritional benefits for hair. Need 100 grams of strained parsley, coarsely chopped, 1

teaspoon of vodka and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Mix well and rub into the roots (parsley can help

stimulate growth too). Let it stay for half an hour, then rinse with vinegar. This is a pre-shampoo

mask, so do not worry about your hair with vinegar odor. Use a mild shampoo when you wash later.

Egg yoghurt mask for oily hair

Yogurt has such great benefits even used to make healthier hair. Egg yolk also has conditioning

properties helps your most exquisite hair. All you have to do is combine 1 egg 50 grams of yogurt and

apply on hair that is already washed. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Hair Mask for split ends

Split ends are one of the worst hair problems, there may be (included). This occurs when the

protective cuticle of the hair is destroyed, thus making the hair divided into two. The frequent

exposure to chemicals (especially when your hair color often), hair tools and the causes and severely

damaged. The only way to get rid of it is to cut it with scissors.

honey mask for split ends

Honey has properties that can help to keep hair hydrated and thus can help prevent split ends from

occurring. Write end that much needed love mix 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1

tablespoon of almond oil. Mix well and apply on the hair, concentrating on the ends. Leave on for

half an hour and rinse well with tolerable hot water (which makes it easier to remove the oil and

excess honey.

Regime diet

The Atkins diet is the most admired of the best diets. This diet eliminates carbohydrates from your

diet. The system really works and can sting as much as fat and protein you want  -- Regime diet.

Regime diet
Regime diet

South Beach Diet

This power is one of the most successful weight loss. This is not a diet low in fat and low in

carbohydrates. Instead, it focuses on eating the right amount of fat and carbohydrates. The diet

depends on the glycemic index. Limit carbohydrate consumption in the first two weeks and then

reintroduces carbohydrates with low glycemic index. You need to eat three meals a day and snacks,

provided they are healthy enough  -- Regime diet.

cabbage soup diet

It is also one of the most effective diets. The diet contains small amounts of calories. You will

instantly losing weight, if you stick with the diet cabbage soup for a week, you can lose more weight  -- Regime diet.

grapefruit Diet

This is the best plan for weight loss in obese people. The advantages of this system comes from the

addition of grapefruit with a low calorie and low fat diet  -- Regime diet.

Slim Fast Diet

This plan restores breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two Slim Fast shakes, and offers a standard meal

for dinner. These low calorie shakes help you lose weight  -- Regime diet.

Other plans Superior:

regime diet
other plans

Tube feeding

It is also well known to feed a better diet. low fat snacks meters will help you lose weight  -- Regime diet.

Beverly Hills Diet

This regime benefits of natural chemical reaction when the food to eat to lose weight is performed.

The diet is very restrictive, but promotes rapid weight loss  -- Regime diet.

3 day diet

The diet can be ideal for weight loss, if you can follow a meal plan three days strictly  -- Regime diet.

Dietapple cider vinegar

It is a sensible diet. Therefore, you should follow carefully. It is a low calorie diet, which stimulates

the rapid weight loss  -- Regime diet.

negative calories

Eat healthy vegetables to your diet as much as possible as it will reduce the negative calories  -- Regime diet.

psoriasis treatment natural

Psoriasis are many and varied in nature, eg, scalp, nails, hand, genitals, erythrodermic, pustular and the most common psoriasis that affects most people and is what we will try here. Psoriasis is a consequence of the proliferation of skin cells and inflammation defined and delimited on the surrounding normal skin. This concerns all types of psoriasis of the location is that which differs -- psoriasis treatment natural .

psoriasis treatment natural
psoriasis treatment natural

In fact, before entering the treatment of psoriasis, it is in order to know their side effects and causes. It is said that the psoriasis is due to alterations in the immune system, leading to the early maturation of new skin cells compared with normal skin should be. There is an obvious phenomenon that a new skin cell takes about 14 days to mature, while the old skin will take weeks to discard. So when the new skin matures earlier and at a faster pace than accumulating in one place in the body and when the psoriasis appears. This causes injuries and damage to the skin around the affected area -- psoriasis treatment natural .

There are many factors that trigger the effects of psoriasis and a home remedy may be the only viable solution. The first treatment in the simplest of home is to use moisturizers and creams that are relevant to the healing provided. When these creams are used with hot water bath, the skin is well hydrated and becomes soft and supple due to moisture that is left. The long-term use of this method for the treatment of psoriasis can lead to an excellent result -- psoriasis treatment natural .

psoriasis treatment natural
Get sun exposure enough to the collection of unwanted skin is performed. But remember that harmful radiation is also dangerous to your health so do not over stay your sunbathing. The third most simple natural therapy is to use lubricant in the affected areas, then scrape the skin with a blunt object. Be careful not to irritate psoriasis more -- psoriasis treatment natural .

Remember also that, as a disorder of stress skin and anxiety could blow more and grow larger than expected, to easily take and avoid anxiety and stress. Avoid using some skin creams that could flare things. Some that have ingredients such as lithium and are not useful for NSIDs spot will irritate psoriasis -- psoriasis treatment natural .

Avoid smoking and alcohol because these activities do no good to the body, especially now that your body needs to be in good condition and a framework for the treatment of psoriasis slow -- psoriasis treatment natural .