concentration curls

concentration curls

concentration curls are ideal for the construction of mass and biceps peak. The secret, however, is not over use them when training your biceps. Too much sets and repetitions will over train your arms and lead to over training. So in this article briefly explain what this biceps exercise and how to use it to build big arms

Here is how to perform a concentration curl using a dumbbell 

Want to site at the end of a flat bench. Keep your legs straight out so that you can put your elbows on the thigh support. Grab a medium weight dumbbell-with your palms facing upwards. Select a weight that will give 10 reps to failure

Now lean lightly forward slightly, plant one of your arm inside of your thigh and just let the weight to hang. It is possible to keep the other side in its other planted thigh support - concentration curls. 

Now slowly curl the weight up, keeping the upper body up. Also, you want to keep your elbows and arms again. When you reach the top hold the contraction for a count of 3, then lower the weight slowly. This is a repeat of biceps concentration curls Repeat this motion until he can not perform another repetition

Put the arm when finished and repeat. The key to this exercise is to use just enough biceps to enable you to take the entire weight of failure. If you get to a point where you can not perform another repetition just use your free hand to help the other party full rehearsal

This is what a typical workout for biceps concentration curls might be: 


Perform 10 repetitions to failure then rest 30 seconds and repeat concentration curls with the same weight again. This could give another 6 reps. Then rest 30 seconds and repeat the movement. You might end up making another 4 representatives - concentration curls. 

Here it is how it will look: 

1 set 10 reps 
2nd set: 6 reps 
3rd set: 4 repetitions. 

Be consistent and do this routine loop concentration every five days. It will give bigger arms that everyone envies - concentration curls.

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