Hammer Curls

Hammer Curls

What Muscles Do Hammer Curls Work?

hammer curls work the biceps muscles are located on the arm front and top. The biceps is the brachialis and biceps. These are the muscles that all boys and girls (too) to show when flexed in the mirror. Have good biceps mine is not only an attraction but strong biceps will also help with other exercises.

hammer curls is also the best exercise to work the supinator of the forearm. This is the muscle that is in the front-upper arm closest to the elbow joint. To some extent, it also affects some of the other muscles of the forearm longus and brevis called radial expander - hammer curls.

What are the advantages of hammer curls?

hammer curls not only work the extra arm muscles, but also take the pressure off your joints of the wrist and elbow and forearm due to ergonomic handle the weight. His arms hang normally at your sides with your palms facing you. Try walking around with palms forward. Not very comfortable, and therefore not very ergonomic - hammer curls..

Hammer weighs alternative work

Alternating hammer curls are done with weights. It can be done standing or sitting on a bench by reducing the "deception" or using other core muscles when the weights are too heavy.
1. Stand (or sit) straight with your feet comfortably apart while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Your palms should be toward the inside of your body.
2. Inhale and lift your forearm to the chest.
3. Exhale as you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
4. Now do the same with the other arm.

Focus on one arm at a time requires patience and concentration. His decision also improve as you hold the dumbbell beside her, while the other is doing the exercise.

However, you can also do curls hammer dumbbell with both arms simultaneously. You will always have the full benefit of work for each arm, but perhaps with a little less concentration.

Hammer Curls with Triceps Bar

Do not worry, we always do biceps. This special bar was originally designed to work the triceps muscles (the muscles in the back of the arm), but can be used for work in other parts of the body, including bicep.

The bar comes with either a standard bar or Olympic-style bar with sleeves in rotation. No matter what type it is, but note that the Olympic-style bar will be heavier because of the sleeves thicker.

The bar is handy, because it is designed with a pair of small vertical bars built into the handle bar. You take these rods to perform hammer curls.

When using bar triceps, which are obviously using both arms at the same time, so training time is reduced by half. The downside is that the dumbbell version is usually more concentrated and each arm must do the same amount of work. With a bar, the stronger arm can sometimes do more work and its weakest arm never gets reached its full potential - hammer curls..

Things to remember

Start with light weights so that you can easily perform 8-10 repetitions on each arm series 2-3. You can add weight as your arms get stronger. The last 3 repetitions should be more difficult to complete - when they are too easy, it's time to add some weight.

Keep your wrists "locked" at all times to prevent damage.
Establish a counting system when finished weight alternative to stay the course.
Keep your elbows tucked into the sides of force to loop a maximum effect.
If you need support for your back or sitting on a bench with a back support or lean against a wall.

And finally, not the amount of weight you use is exceeded. It is best to use a lighter weight and be stricter for the complete muscle performance by cheating with a weight and the risk of more severe injuries.

When done correctly, it will give hammer bicep curl and forearms look great. Thus, the most awesome person in the mirror  - hammer curls..

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